We got a call last night from the court advacat that keeps us up to date on Regis's case. The appeals attorney has gone through all the transcripts of the trial and on Dec. 6th he will appear before the Supreme Court to argue any issues he has. The Supreme Court has 90 days to decide if there is enough evidence to grant an appeal or not. This process will be done there in Los Angeles but only last about 30 min. so we will not go to it. Evette, the advocate said sometimes the attorney for our side will call and let her know how the proceedings went (good or bad) and if this happens she will call us after and let us know how it went. Other then that, we should know in 90 days.
Regardless, this still will go on for
Regardless, this still will go on for
Recent sad news from Lt. Bunton that my "ole Classmate" Clarence Bowden CPD class of 68 passed away 2-3wks ago ! Please pass news to the Compton Nation, Clarence was a Damn Good Compton Cop !