

The City of Compton only signed a six month contract with the Sheriff's...Gee wonder why! Rumors are flying again...Will Compton PD come back...Who knows..Stay tuned!


We have heard some comments about the re-union, it cost to much or its just for the old retired cops..Its only what you make out of it, as far as were concerned once a Compton Cop, always a Compton Cop. All Ex-Compton PD officer are welcome, It takes a lot of time and effort to put something like this on, so be supportive.

Don't let your personal feelings about somebody or something stop you from having a good time! It's Vegas! If you cant have a good time there, maybe you shouldn't come.


Regarding the Compton PD Re-union...Per Betty Marlow/Tony Ruiz, they are requesting that you please make your reservations as soon as possible in order to keep the group rate as low as it is. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

If you need the information again its on the private link!


Compton PD may no longer exist, so please help support our site so we will be able to keep this site going and keep the memories of a great Police Department alive! Especially the people who spent most of their lives working in Compton. Thanks!

Check out the merchandise link and get your souvenir T-shirt or Beer Mug and support the site!

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